Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Lake Fun

"Lake Fun" - SOLD
6 x 9 Oil on Archival Board

I see more and more kayakers here on our part of the lake, and this particular day was perfect. Not too hot, and not too many boats and jet skis.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Study of Woman's Face

Study of Woman's Face
8 x 8 Oil on Archival Board 

Long story on this one...I saw this wonderful woman at an art show and knew I had to try to paint her. Try was the key word here. I thought it would be a relatively simple process...NOT! I wiped her off a number of times, only to try again. The last time I wiped her off, her ghost image showed through and I loved it!! I varnished it, and here she is!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Beach Cabin Sketch

6 x 9 Oil on Archival Board

Growing up, we used to rent a summer beach cabin at a place called "The Blue Horizon" on Cape Cod. There were five cousins and lots of fun. I've tried to find photos of our trips, but think I only have the old "movies" which I can't play anymore. We would spend our days jumping off the porch railing into the sand, and collecting snail shells :-) Here is my memory of the place. I remember it being hot and hazy, with a screen door which slammed as we went in and out. I still can remember the wonderful beach smell....