6 x 6 Oil on Gessobord
I really love watching Plein Air painters at work. They are usually so engrossed in what they are doing, they don't even focus on the crowd that is watching them. I, on the other hand, always feel I have to talk to everyone. (I can hear all my friends saying "Surprise, Surprise.") I also tend to feel like I'm at an audition and people are judging every stroke I make. My plan for 2013 is to change all that and just go out there and paint. Bugs are another issue. I'm the one you will see running around swatting at insects with my brush...A friend told me that Listerine keeps the bugs away. Well, I sprayed it all over me and the bugs loved it. Meanwhile, I smelled "Minty Fresh" for weeks, as did all my art supplies. So, resolutions for 2013...Paint Plein Air and really enjoy it, and start talking to the bugs. Maybe they'll get bored and go away :-)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! LET'S HOPE 2013 IS A SAFE, PEACEFUL ONE!! Thank you all who have visited my blog and who encourage me to keep on 'keeping on.' Love you All!