Monday, November 26, 2012

Sharing the Earbuds

8 1/2 x 11 Oil on Canvas

This must be the greatest grandfather, and he must also be partially or totally deaf if he is listening to his granddaughter's music.  He looks too peaceful for it to be Rap...I know that my father would not have been sharing my earbuds (if they had them back then).  He allowed me 1/2 hour to listen to Rock and Roll in the car, and then we had to switch back to classical or opera.  Even my children, when they were growing up, complained about my music in the car.  They hated that I played "Alice's Restaurant" on the way to their grandparents' for Thanksgiving each year, and really hated Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones.  Now they appreciate my taste in music, as I appreciate my father's.  Thankfully, we all change and hopefully grow...although I still love the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan :-)  Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving!

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